EGY POLYMERS Hedgehog !!!
The concept of hedgehog is based on the ancient Greek proverb which says: “The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big big thing.” According to this example, the fox uses several strategies in an attempt to catch the hedgehog. He slowly sneaks behind him, runs behind him, jumps around, and even represents that he is dead, yet every time he walks away he is defeated and the hedgehog may stab him in his nose from thorns. The fox never learns that the hedgehog knows how to do something quite big: defending himself.
The philosopher Isaiah Berlin took this example and applied it to the modern world in his 1953 essay “The Hedgehog and the Fox”, where Berlin divided people into two groups: foxes and hedgehogs, and in his article he said that foxes seek to achieve many goals and interests at the same time; As a result, their thinking is dispersed and decentralized, and in the end they achieve very little. On the other hand, hedgehogs simplify the world and focus on one comprehensive vision that will then be achieved.
Jim Collins – researcher and business consultant – developed the idea in his famous book “Good to Great”. Collins advocated that organizations would likely succeed if they were able to better define the one thing they do best “The Hedgehog Concept”, and when the Hedgehog Concept Organization determines, their leaders must devote all their energies and resources to pursuing that. Collins argues that if you cannot be the number one in the world in your primary business, then the concept of hedgehog should not be your application.
Based on this, Egy Polymers applied the hedgehog strategy through knowing the three circles that Collins identified and focusing on the intersection point between the three circles, and this is exactly (research and development), so that building a competitive advantage for the company and promoting the distinctive branding is based on the PU HOUSE logo as an Egy Polymers trademark and distinction.
Egy Polymers has succeeded in developing a new product, SubFix411, which is the artificial turf adhesive which is considered the beginning of the company’s entry into the sports and landscaping markets in general. This product has already been successfully presented to the Egyptian market as an alternative to the imported product – as this product is not produced either in Egypt or in the Arab countries – This product was introduced against European and especially Turkish products at the end of last year 2019, which was accepted by customers and distributors to the extent that one of the distributors made an offer for exclusive distribution in Egypt, which is studied in the company after exploring the real opportunities in the local market, and thinking Taking it out to the external market. This is a new addition to the Company Product Portfolio, and we expect it to be introduced to the market very soon.
Comment (1)
Very nice article. Thanks a lot doctor.