The Amazing Polyurea

The Amazing Polyurea

Do you know that you can turn paper into steel?! …. This is not a joke, but it is a fact … Watch this video first and then continue reading the topic.

Once you spray this wonder material on any surface, this surface becomes like steel …. it’s polyurea!

What is Polyurea?
Polyurea is a material resulting from the reaction of Isocyanate with polyamine. Polyurea is used in various insulation and lining processes, as it works to fill the joints and pores on top of any surface, which makes this surface very strong and solid, and works to prevent anything from surrounding environment, whether it is liquids, solids, or influences of weather factors, which means that this surface that was protected with polyurea is completely isolated and well protected from all external influences. Therefore, Polyurea technology is used in a wide range of applications, and perhaps the most important of these applications are:

Protection and  waterproofing:

  • It is used in the insulation of swimming pools, fountains and waterfalls.
  • It is also used to protect buildings from rain water and from leakage of drainage pipes. It also works to isolate and strengthen the water tanks that are placed on top of buildings, whether to feed homes or in fire protection systems. • Also, polyurea is considered one of the most important materials used in the manufacture of ships and boats, as it is used to isolate and protect the outer body of boats and ships from water and from the accumulation of marine algae, as well as isolating the upper surface and floors to make it more resistant to harsh weather factors in the sea.

Construction and building materials industry:

If we move to other sectors and other uses of polyurea technology, we will find that it also enters into the contracting sectors where it works on:

  • Protecting and strengthening the roofs of bridges, metal and concrete structures.
  • Making an insulation layer for building roofs and metal hangers against sun and rain.
  • Making a layer to protect the floors of some stadiums, amusement parks and parks.
  • Making a protective layer for factory floors, especially for factories that work with liquid or chemical materials.
  • Protect the floors of heavy-duty areas such as airports and cargo areas at airports and train stations.
  • Make protection for refrigerators and freezers, as polyurea is not subject to freezing..

To you, dear reader, you should know that all the uses and applications we mentioned above in which polyurea is used represents a small fraction of the volume of its use in various different applications because of its properties against water, chemicals, resistance to freezing and corrosion, moreover it is also environmentally friendly as it does not produce any fumes and is fast drying and helps To resist fire.

At the end, looking forward for you in a new topic and a new area of innovation.

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